Sunday, November 27, 2005

Small: Illustration Friday

Behemoth and the man. Lol looks like something outta Star Wars, i didn't intend that.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Strength : Illustration Friday

Photoshops my new favorite thing, this took me 10 minutes to whip up, just playing with photoshop, the lines from a weight lifter. A personal trainer told her client that if it doesnt hurt its not working the weight lifter over heard and said "if it hurt your doing it wrong" was just realy funny to me.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Art, life and New Zealand

Some interesting blog entries ive come across

This is a nice read about a Canadians travels through New Zealand, the blogs not being updated anymore, she has finished the trip but its still very interesting.

Very nice comparisons about hiding behind a mask and Ta Moko which shows who you are through facial tattoo.

Very visual blog about a guy in New Zealand, lots of cool photos and a few about art.

Night: Illustration Friday

Top image is photoshoped, thought id play around with photoshop, I really want to get better with it but all I seem to know right now is gradients and adding filters lol.

The bottom is the original drawing, You know those late night takeaway stores yea that's what this is about, lol nothing like a night out on the town and then munching out on greasy fried food, tastes so much better when you've had a few.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Happy Birthday Kayla

Its my cuzs 14th birthday, so

Monday, October 31, 2005

First Tattoo

Came across this post on another blog, i found it pretty interesting. Its about his first tattoo and some insite to why and how he got it. I think all who are thinking about getting a tat should cheak it out.
adrock2xander Tattoo

Another on first tattoo

Came across this post from a girl whose gonna get a tattoo, i then relized she lives in my own home town, shes lookin at getting it done by a tattoo artist named Roger ive never met him before but i have alot of friends who've gotten work done by him and ive heard nothing but good things about him and the work looks awsome. you can check the post out here anxiety-before-tattoo ( im also not entirely sue if Roger is his name)

Nice little story about chinese character tats. oops

This is a very nice post. Tats , she writes about each of her tats individually, Each with a pic and description of what they are about and why she got them.

Nice story and nice design for a tat. A celebration of reaching ones goals Tattoo.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Broken: Illustration Friday

About a broken man and all he had to do was ask for a little help.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Remote: Illustration friday

Remote home: not sure if thats correct iknow of mobile home but im sure you can call them remote homes, Well anyway first time posting to Illustration Friday.

This is all so the complete image of my profile pic.

Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday This sites pretty cool, each Friday they post a topic to draw upon, you add a link of your post that contains the picture, Pretty cool.

The process

Most of the previous drawings are my working drawings when i get serious about doing a finished work i draw a smaller version and take the bits out i like the most, i then draw them larger and add to the final work as i go, i cant seem to do what my tutors told me to do and draw the same design like 20 times before i start on a finished work, i never did get into that grove of things.

If any of yall who come to my blog have a blog with your art on it id like to see em.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Another drawing of mine

I want to draw very large picture of a cityscape so I did this test, the drawing would be of a wooden city, no concrete.
Im trying to teach myself some tricks to simplify the detail but still have an amazing amount of anal attention to detail.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Another drawing of mine

This is for a fan art section of an online game i play sometimes. The game involves elves, knights, mages, ogres, try and guess what game it is.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Some interesting links.

Pretty funny, he points out the mistakes of chinese character tattoos. loads of pics and loads of mistakes.

Really nice blog here.

Another nice blog.

Some tattoo related content, seems like a cool blog.

Friday, October 21, 2005

A few links to studios in my town of Wellington.

Just a few links to tattoo studios websites in my area. just piercing

What my Brother wants me to design him.

I mentioned earlier that I was designing my brother a tattoo, well he wants a Moko (a traditional Maori tattoo). I am of Maori/European descent, so I thought some research was needed and man this is gonna be a tough one.
Here are some links about Moko explaining the history and meaning of the symbols:

Man my brother just cant keep it simple and ask me to draw him a dragon or something.
Well it should be good learning about my culture, genealogy and designing it correctly, im going to have to find a really big family tree that goes back like 30 generations or something (exageration maybe).

here's a link to an example of what my brothers may look like:

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Bypass protest graff

I took these photos in my home town of Wellington, their protesting the building of a bypass, heres a link on the story .

I just like the imagery of the stencils, i like the "post no buildings" line too, the council is moving historic buildings to make room for the bypass. There was alot of protest against this but its died down now. Alot of people had to move house because of this.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Playing around with blogger

Playing with links and stuff, just to get used to what i can do, figured out how to post video links, so im gonna need to take some videos soon to post on here. I have alot of links to directories they look abit messy probably remove some soon, the imges on bottom of the side bar link to a pretty cool video blog site, lots of videos, pics and sounds from other blogs. Okie docky then thats it for now...

"Not even ow" - Jeff da Maori

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Previous posts

These previous post have been a little bit about what i have done previously, im hopeing to finish a design for my brother soon and document the process and post it on here, take photos of him getting it, some research into the tattoo artists in my area and see if they want to buy some sets from me.

This is the rough i did for the larger piece.

This is a photo of a framed drawing i did, the photos pretty bad but i cant scan it, its A1 size thats about a metre in hieght, it was my final assignment at art school 3 other pices went with it. Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 14, 2005

another pic Posted by Picasa

This is a friend of mine who got a tatt i designed.

This is a friend of mine, i designed this tatt, i thought he was gonna get it pretty small like the size of a CD cover but man he gets back from getting it done and shows me and im like wtf thats huge, i also wasnt happy with the design too i was gonna do him another. Hes was also the first person to get one of my designs. It was inked by an artist in wellington new zealand, i forget his name. I will post a pic of the drawing as soon as i find it. Posted by Picasa

Was playing resident evil at the time, felt like drawing zombies. Posted by Picasa

This is a conseptual sketch for a bigger piece, i didnt go with this idea should have coz people liked this more than the one that went into the gallery. Posted by Picasa

These are some old drawings i did when i was about 19, im 25 now. This image has been cropped to focus on the 2 stylelized mutts. Posted by Picasa

Welcome to my adventures

I decided to make a blog, everyones doing it and everyones saying everyones doing it. I am a clasically trained artist in illustration, painting and print making. Ive allways had an interest in body art, pop culture comicbooks and stuff and ive design a few tattoos for people, so i thought maybe i should try it hard out, this blog will follow my adventures in becomeing a good tattoo designer i will post my flash design and photos of people who actually get my designs inked (hopeing), allso the process of it. Cher Cher OW